Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mutemath, John, and Empire

I'm not sure if anyone remember the old band Earthsuit, they broke up and some of the members reformed into my favorite band now called Mutemath. Mutemath is getting ready to release their 2nd full album. To help get things started they had a VIP listening party tour which started in Seattle last night. My friend Mike was kind enough to invite me along to the listening party, which was the first in the country. I got to hear the new album Armistice in its entirety. Let me tell you Mutemath fans, its definitely Mutemath, but completely new and fresh. You're in for a treat. Track 3, Clipping was almost unanimously the group's favorite. The end track Burden was another standout. It had great movement and pacing throughout the song. There are some great opportunities in the song for a group drum solo. If anyone has been to a live show you'll know what I'm talking about. I'm really looking forward to the album.

I'm hoping to blog some stuff on the Gospel of John here soon. I'd love some reading recommendation for my next book on the Gospel of John. Currently I'm finishing up Warren Carter's John and Empire and it's thought provoking. The good folks at T & T Clark were kind enough to send a review copy along. I'll be sending a review into the Princeton Theological Journal and eventually I'll try to do a chapter by chapter review here. It's a fantastic read. I'm finding I'm moving slower through it than anticipated because there is so much fantastic material to soak up.


Sean said...

Have you read Craig Koester's The Word of Life: A Theology of John's Gospel? Or Bauckham's Testimony of the Beloved Disciple?

Craig said...

Hey Sean,

I have read Bauckham's Testimony of the Beloved, it was fantastic, but have not had a chance to read Koester's The Word of Life. I hear Koester's book is great. I'm also looking at reading Thompson's The God of the Gospel of John. People have said wonderful things about Marianne Meye Thompson's work a number of times.

Sean said...

I really like Thompson's work. She is an outstanding scholar, and has really worked well in the gospel of John. Koester is very introductory, but I still loved it.

Good blog.

Sean said...

PS: I'm super jealous about Mutemath, they're a fantastic band! Chaos is still one of my favourite tracks!